Being the goal oriented person I am, I've decided to make a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30. I have a little over 16 months to complete my list. Here it is....
1. Read Entire Bible
2. Learn to Sew
3. Run a 5K
4. Go to HiWay 80 Largest Yard Sale
5. Memorize 12 Chapters in the Bible
6. go to NYC
7. Ride on a train
8. Dance in the Rain
9. Sponsor a Compassion International Child
10. Sing Karaoke
11. Ride in a Sailboat
12. Learn another Language
13. Take a dance class
14. Ride in a Helicopter
15. Dig for Diamonds
16. Learn to Juggle
17. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
18. Master an amazing dish
19. Crash a party/wedding/event
20. Go to Cirque Du Soleil
21. Surprise (If I accomplish this one, I will let you know)
22. Play in a human size Hamster Ball
23. Do a zip line
24. Drive a Race Car or Ridiculously expensive Car
25. Travel 1,000 miles by my own accord (walk, run, bike) (this is over 16 months)
26. Ride in Limo
27. Go Frog Gigging
28. Make a Coffee Table Book
29. Learn to play Chess
30. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
I will keep you updated on how it goes. If anyone wants to do anything with me just let me know ;).